Who knows what PROJECT LOOKING GLASS is about?
Well, look here https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/ and maybe download the demo..
It`s a new desktop enviroment from SUN MICROSYSTEMS, and once you see it, ther eis no going back to "flat" Computer Interfaces!!!
You need Windoze XP or Linux, with a 3d Grafix Card - and if you run linux, you need a proper 3d driver installed..
This Is the summer of code baby
Well, look here https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/ and maybe download the demo..
It`s a new desktop enviroment from SUN MICROSYSTEMS, and once you see it, ther eis no going back to "flat" Computer Interfaces!!!
You need Windoze XP or Linux, with a 3d Grafix Card - and if you run linux, you need a proper 3d driver installed..
This Is the summer of code baby
