New Addition to the TAPES FROM THE ATTIC, except this is not a TAPE really, it's one of 2 CDs made in 1998 to pass around as, er, treats
EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG was the title of this, the first one. Since then, i was accused of referencing U2, since one of the tunes on it was a u2 ripoff, and the disc title was something they had used, but i assure you, i had no idea, as i had no time for u2.. The name came from FIRESIGN THEATRE's 1974 Album, what i woz diggin' at the time..
Yeh, it's a bit messy, but the thrill was to have a CD of a mix.. as cassettes were just crappy, especially after the way they would be Duplicated over & over, degrading to muffled rubbish after about 3 Generations.. CD had that - CLONE thing going on..
Have a look here.. for the link to the file..

Yeh, it's a bit messy, but the thrill was to have a CD of a mix.. as cassettes were just crappy, especially after the way they would be Duplicated over & over, degrading to muffled rubbish after about 3 Generations.. CD had that - CLONE thing going on..

Have a look here.. for the link to the file..