This weekend: Ballybunion, Co.Kerry - At the Ballybunion Golf Hotel! Yes, i`ll be tee-ing off with local celebs in a hard-trance, hard-bass, funky-techno mallotathon.. and why not..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 220303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Ted (escape from NY), Shay Healy (escape from the great), Millar (time)
*lee cabrera/shake it - credence - 65%
12creddj035/wri:cabrera//cop con & sony music
*s*******/roxanne - doghouse - 55%
dhr002/wri:sting//cop con www.doghouse-records.com
*plummet/damaged - serious - 1%
ser6812pro2/no details//melodica srl.
*x-odus feat. xan/i'm in love again - whitelabel - 3%
xod-1/no details//cop con
*hatrixx/the pressure - duty free - -1% (minus 1 percent)
df053/no details//cop con info@dutyfreerecordings.co.uk
*goldfrapp/the train - mute - 23%
p12mute291/wri:goldfrapp//mute music www.mute.com
*dj sakin vs. plexus/visions of igor - overdose dmddose 104 www.overdose.de
*lamda/hold on tight(uli poppelbaum) - alphabet city alph 0235-6 www.alphabetcity.de
*dj spider/stuck inside - captivating sounds cvs057 www.djspider.nl
*funk w/disko bombing - lone star ls09 www.funkw.com
*dub x/ground zero(nitro man) - groucho www.sigmarecords.com
*DJ ESP/straight edged raver - bionic orange bio019 www.djesp.com
*banjo worx/dynamic boots - bash 007
*tomcraft/into the light - kosmo kos 2057 www.tomcraft.de
*acdc/let there be rock(live) - atco 92447
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 24.8 Lowest Average: 18.2 [ted] Highest Average: 33.2 [millar]
No No Disco? http://www.petitiononline.com/thumped/petition.html
Click HERE and practice laughing and crying at the same time.. Yes, it`s one of the original Instruction tapes from during the cold war - FULL scripts on what to do when war comes to your town.. no joke, this is for real. You should memorise it, it may save your life.. And should the unthinkable happen, and we suffer nucleur attack, click HERE for instructions on labeling your dead relatives and surviving when fallout is expected..As usual, these streams are in WMA - Windows Media Player format, and you may SAVE AS or OPEN the files, whichever.
Francois' "sonic-the-hedgehog conversion" handiwork on the new SIMPLY RED record:

And i must say a special hey hey to the Buncranna crew at THE ZONE.. nice venue, lovely athmosphere, fine chix, trim blokes, friendly staff.. etc.. seems too good 2 b true innit?!!
anyway, photos are up, have a look.. Oh, and a BIG up to all the wonderfull people that brought down PLAYTHATBEAT.NET this bank-holiday.. So many of you tried to "open"/"save as" my set from creamfields 2002, the server thought it was undergoing a DoS attack, And shut itself down to lick it`s wounds! Poor server.. Ah well, it's all a bit more civilised now.. so, off you go now, hit the downloads button and have a leech
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 150303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: al gibbs (euphoria), mark mccabe (digitriber), francois (minister for longevity)
*stephane malca/revolution - kinky vinyl - 30%
kink8d2/wri:malca//cop con www.kinkyvinyl.co.uk
*sourmash/pilgrimage to paradise - ucmg - 43%
teg027r6/wri:wesson & jones//mozo music
*dj misjah/inca trail e.p. - jerico - 6%
jel022/wri:misjah//misjah music
*simply red/sunrise - simplyred.com - 23%
srsam009/wri:simply red//simplyred.com ltd. www.simplyred.com
*MB games/projax - hasbro - 56%
[new cyber-styled "arena" version of the playground game JACKS]
*beenie man/party hard - virgin - 33%
spro17569/wri:davis & burger//emi & madhouse music www.beenieman.net
*higate/hurricane - incentive cent49tr
*classified project/ressurection - alien/united alien 028
*sluts & strings & 909/in ur pretty face - technothing 01r www.fogarea.de
*cool grey/timerunner - suntec tek074 www.hitland.com
*lecargo/rebase - deep mission dm27 www.deepmission.de
*marc et claude/loving you(isaac) - positiva 12tivdjx190
*hardside/survive - zoom z04 www.trance.it
*dominators/jump - nothing 037
*dj sakin vs. plexus/visions of igor - overdose dmddose 104 www.overdose.de
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 32.1 Lowest Average: 22.5 [mccabe] Highest Average: 38 [gibbs]
So, the (sch)bank holiday looms.. Patrick's Day, which means it`s time for everyone in the world to get drunk. Superb. I'll be attending celebrations in ZONE in buncranna, and all are welcome. We'll be having a practical Dance demonstration, a short section on omlettes, and then i'll be taking questions from the group about the upcoming War, and how we can make some money out of it! Remember, the non-deadline deadline is Patrick's day - i bet the US Forces are counting on The NME bieng badly hung-over, or food poisened (bad pint), or whatever.. But i MUST now come out AGAINST this 17th March Strike-date, purely because it will mean our Cousins in the Armed forces cannot experience their god-given right to extreme drunkness and "begorrah"-ness.. I propose the war be posponed till AT LEAST thursday.. In fact, best make it Friday Morning, first thing.. I promise.. Well, actually, could we do it over lunch? Friday? Er.. Hang on, Because of the Bank-holiday, friday is REALLY thursday, so Saturday would suit me better, it bieng _really_ friday.. Oh, but i've got to work that day.. but i may be quitting (unless i get a paltry triple my wages that is..) so i might be free that day.. F*ck it, make it the monday AFTER that.. Yeah.. After lunch preferably.. Yeah.. How's Monday week about 4pm for all of you then? Grand.. i`ll bring the Pistachios..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 080303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: yomanda(sushi lad),disco collie(flush bus),tony o'leary(cooper lad),dj hugo(mayor of camolin)
*nu rican kids/excuse me! - noise - 40%
noise017/wri:lucente//homeworks www.noisetraxx.org
*digitribe/over - twisted - 61%
twmx50012/wri:cisco & mccabe//twisted publishing www.twistedamerica.com
*armand van helden/funk phenomena 2oo3 - zyx - 57%
smr007r/wri:van helden//fouronfour style & northcott music
*kym marsh/bag of goodies!! - -110% (minus 110%)
[CD Single,Postcards,Loo Paper,Video & Rope-handled Baggie]
*scooter/weekend - sheffield tunes - -26% (minus 26%)
0146840/wri:baxxter & koerts//nanada music
*paffendorf-crazy,sexy,marvellous(driftwood) - data 51p
*dominators/jump - nothing 037
*uli poppelbaum/stereo poems chapter1 - clubgroove www.clubgroove.com
*drugface/fat as fu*k - bulletproof proof 020 www.bulletproofmusic.com
*kay d smith & marc tall pres. passive resistance/praiseworthy tunes - sniper snr004
*void/dark side of the moon - leaded 039 www.mi3.org
*lorenzo de preti - nu identity EP - subway sub 192 www.hitland.com
*dj fire/spirit of techno - sigma063 www.sigmarecords.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 34.2 Lowest Average: 27 [hugo] Highest Average: 41 [collie]
Another fun weekend.. you know,, the usual.. 70mph winds and interference from giant flying insects.. (yawn) Oh, and POWER and CONOR G both won awards at the BBM awards thingy.. For Best Tyrriling of public fnds and Messiest New jock on the circut respectivly! So Yah-fu*king-Whooo! The auld awards cupboard is getting pretty busy now for the 626 crew.. i wonder if we could sell them anywhere? I suppose i`ll have to wait till we all die tragic-like in a freak acetate-spin-back-gone-wrong incident.. or maybe in a static discharge/spontanious combustion kind-of-way.. hmm.. anyway, BIG up to the lads, in fairness.. Nice one.. And a FUN ceremony in the TEMPLE THEATRE.. I hadn`t been there since,er, well, in ages.. so it was all new to me.. aluminium bits all round, and sounding very nice indeed actually.. good job! Also somehow managed to end up in the RED BOX that night on the way home, also changed to f*ck since i was in it last, and it was really swinging.. no shit, it was rafters and muscles baby.. lovely pokey bit of house-toasting going on and the crowd exuding happy vibes.. such a change from the last time i was there! In fact, i almost forgot my troubles and escaped for a while.. lovely!
...and tonight, attack of the clones. er.. were in clones. actually. the one in monaghan.. er..
Okay, so i lied about the pics yesterday. So have a look now (pictures/gallery 16). Some snaps grabbed by BAYNES wid the springcam.. and the really nice bit is, i had actually left, and was in the lobby of the venue when i remembered my camera was sill on patrol, so WEBSTER legged it back into the pit to retrieve the item - and Succeded!! Amazing!! Kudos to BAYNES, really, if i was him i`d have robbed the camera FOR SURE and at least developed the film in it before offering it back (for a ransom).. you never know what was in it.. Piccy of Pat Kenny giving Osama one perhaps? Rude piccys of my Ho collection? :> ...no actually, just a (sweet) picture of my 2 cats SHARING a seat for the first time in memory.. actually curled up side-by-side and not fighting even a little bit.. er.. oh yeah.. and one of us executing a gatso with a nifty chainsaw & pipe-bomb combo.. and then one of us dragging it past another gatso at 105mph in a borrowed ice-cream van.. lucky that didn`t get out, luigi the cone would be very upset.. and we need him happy so we can pull off the "spelling lesson" gatso scam this summer
more of that when we get caught.. ehm..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 010303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: h3lix (subterranian), pat mcmello (virginia), pressure (players please)
*neon lights/you are not alone - voltswagon - 41%
volt002/wri:kellet & taylor-finch//bmg songs voltswagon@hotmail.com
*dead or alive/you spin me round - sony urban division - 52%
doa2/wri:burns & percy//westbury music
*karl cox & christian smith/dirty bass - 23rd century - 68%
c2300i/wri:cox & smith//cop con www.carlcox.com
*glynn tolly & all boxed in/happen - intensive - -50 (minus 50%)
inten009/wri:smarties & hannah//cop con
*smarties bar/smarties - nestle - 56%
[new milk & white chocolate fusion bars for kiddies]
*missy elliot/gossip folks - east west - 66%
7559-67377-0/wri:elliot & bridges//emi april publishing
*dave london & filthy rich/twisted - distinctive breaks dp97/1 www.distinctiverecords.com
*stephane malca/revolution - kinky vinyl kink8d2 www.kinkyvinyl.co.uk
*anne clarke/sleeper in metropolis 3000 - gang go 5050466-4353-0-9 www.ganggo.de
*kay d smith & marc tall pres. passive resistance/praiseworthy tunes - sniper snr004
*void/dark side of the moon - leaded 039 www.mi3.org
*dj scott project/outerspace - overdose dmddose 105 www.overdose.de
*4 navigators/marijuana - stik stk086 www.stik.it
*max b grant/progressive champion - etx 0013 www.maxbgrant.com
*drugface/fat as fu*k - bulletproof proof 020 www.bulletproofmusic.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 42.1 Lowest Average: 39 [h3lix] Highest Average: 49 [pat]
Got the fotos from Castlebar.. will upload them tonight after work (2FM).. Promise
<< 3o3 in date alert!
Hmm...more significent dates.. another 303 in the date eh.. well.. we'll see about THAT then, won`t we.. Nice trip to castlebar lastnight, never saw COSMOS b4 and now it`s to be re-moddled at huge cost to take the region's clubbers on.. ah well, sombody has to do it in fairness, the TF was spewing Leather-jackets and dinner-dress when we hoared past afer the gig, and they have been putting "NO MORE HEADWRECKING VINYL" on their flyers of late, so i suppose that is that, COSMOS 2 will be the daddy.. Got sum Fotoz, won`t have then developed till' monday night, so i`ll up a new gallery on tuesday with the playlistings for tonight i spose..
This weekend: Ballybunion, Co.Kerry - At the Ballybunion Golf Hotel! Yes, i`ll be tee-ing off with local celebs in a hard-trance, hard-bass, funky-techno mallotathon.. and why not..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 220303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Ted (escape from NY), Shay Healy (escape from the great), Millar (time)
*lee cabrera/shake it - credence - 65%
12creddj035/wri:cabrera//cop con & sony music
*s*******/roxanne - doghouse - 55%
dhr002/wri:sting//cop con www.doghouse-records.com
*plummet/damaged - serious - 1%
ser6812pro2/no details//melodica srl.
*x-odus feat. xan/i'm in love again - whitelabel - 3%
xod-1/no details//cop con
*hatrixx/the pressure - duty free - -1% (minus 1 percent)
df053/no details//cop con info@dutyfreerecordings.co.uk
*goldfrapp/the train - mute - 23%
p12mute291/wri:goldfrapp//mute music www.mute.com
*dj sakin vs. plexus/visions of igor - overdose dmddose 104 www.overdose.de
*lamda/hold on tight(uli poppelbaum) - alphabet city alph 0235-6 www.alphabetcity.de
*dj spider/stuck inside - captivating sounds cvs057 www.djspider.nl
*funk w/disko bombing - lone star ls09 www.funkw.com
*dub x/ground zero(nitro man) - groucho www.sigmarecords.com
*DJ ESP/straight edged raver - bionic orange bio019 www.djesp.com
*banjo worx/dynamic boots - bash 007
*tomcraft/into the light - kosmo kos 2057 www.tomcraft.de
*acdc/let there be rock(live) - atco 92447
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 24.8 Lowest Average: 18.2 [ted] Highest Average: 33.2 [millar]
No No Disco? http://www.petitiononline.com/thumped/petition.html
Click HERE and practice laughing and crying at the same time.. Yes, it`s one of the original Instruction tapes from during the cold war - FULL scripts on what to do when war comes to your town.. no joke, this is for real. You should memorise it, it may save your life.. And should the unthinkable happen, and we suffer nucleur attack, click HERE for instructions on labeling your dead relatives and surviving when fallout is expected..As usual, these streams are in WMA - Windows Media Player format, and you may SAVE AS or OPEN the files, whichever.
Francois' "sonic-the-hedgehog conversion" handiwork on the new SIMPLY RED record:

And i must say a special hey hey to the Buncranna crew at THE ZONE.. nice venue, lovely athmosphere, fine chix, trim blokes, friendly staff.. etc.. seems too good 2 b true innit?!!

Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 150303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: al gibbs (euphoria), mark mccabe (digitriber), francois (minister for longevity)
*stephane malca/revolution - kinky vinyl - 30%
kink8d2/wri:malca//cop con www.kinkyvinyl.co.uk
*sourmash/pilgrimage to paradise - ucmg - 43%
teg027r6/wri:wesson & jones//mozo music
*dj misjah/inca trail e.p. - jerico - 6%
jel022/wri:misjah//misjah music
*simply red/sunrise - simplyred.com - 23%
srsam009/wri:simply red//simplyred.com ltd. www.simplyred.com
*MB games/projax - hasbro - 56%
[new cyber-styled "arena" version of the playground game JACKS]
*beenie man/party hard - virgin - 33%
spro17569/wri:davis & burger//emi & madhouse music www.beenieman.net
*higate/hurricane - incentive cent49tr
*classified project/ressurection - alien/united alien 028
*sluts & strings & 909/in ur pretty face - technothing 01r www.fogarea.de
*cool grey/timerunner - suntec tek074 www.hitland.com
*lecargo/rebase - deep mission dm27 www.deepmission.de
*marc et claude/loving you(isaac) - positiva 12tivdjx190
*hardside/survive - zoom z04 www.trance.it
*dominators/jump - nothing 037
*dj sakin vs. plexus/visions of igor - overdose dmddose 104 www.overdose.de
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 32.1 Lowest Average: 22.5 [mccabe] Highest Average: 38 [gibbs]
So, the (sch)bank holiday looms.. Patrick's Day, which means it`s time for everyone in the world to get drunk. Superb. I'll be attending celebrations in ZONE in buncranna, and all are welcome. We'll be having a practical Dance demonstration, a short section on omlettes, and then i'll be taking questions from the group about the upcoming War, and how we can make some money out of it! Remember, the non-deadline deadline is Patrick's day - i bet the US Forces are counting on The NME bieng badly hung-over, or food poisened (bad pint), or whatever.. But i MUST now come out AGAINST this 17th March Strike-date, purely because it will mean our Cousins in the Armed forces cannot experience their god-given right to extreme drunkness and "begorrah"-ness.. I propose the war be posponed till AT LEAST thursday.. In fact, best make it Friday Morning, first thing.. I promise.. Well, actually, could we do it over lunch? Friday? Er.. Hang on, Because of the Bank-holiday, friday is REALLY thursday, so Saturday would suit me better, it bieng _really_ friday.. Oh, but i've got to work that day.. but i may be quitting (unless i get a paltry triple my wages that is..) so i might be free that day.. F*ck it, make it the monday AFTER that.. Yeah.. After lunch preferably.. Yeah.. How's Monday week about 4pm for all of you then? Grand.. i`ll bring the Pistachios..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 080303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: yomanda(sushi lad),disco collie(flush bus),tony o'leary(cooper lad),dj hugo(mayor of camolin)
*nu rican kids/excuse me! - noise - 40%
noise017/wri:lucente//homeworks www.noisetraxx.org
*digitribe/over - twisted - 61%
twmx50012/wri:cisco & mccabe//twisted publishing www.twistedamerica.com
*armand van helden/funk phenomena 2oo3 - zyx - 57%
smr007r/wri:van helden//fouronfour style & northcott music
*kym marsh/bag of goodies!! - -110% (minus 110%)
[CD Single,Postcards,Loo Paper,Video & Rope-handled Baggie]
*scooter/weekend - sheffield tunes - -26% (minus 26%)
0146840/wri:baxxter & koerts//nanada music
*paffendorf-crazy,sexy,marvellous(driftwood) - data 51p
*dominators/jump - nothing 037
*uli poppelbaum/stereo poems chapter1 - clubgroove www.clubgroove.com
*drugface/fat as fu*k - bulletproof proof 020 www.bulletproofmusic.com
*kay d smith & marc tall pres. passive resistance/praiseworthy tunes - sniper snr004
*void/dark side of the moon - leaded 039 www.mi3.org
*lorenzo de preti - nu identity EP - subway sub 192 www.hitland.com
*dj fire/spirit of techno - sigma063 www.sigmarecords.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 34.2 Lowest Average: 27 [hugo] Highest Average: 41 [collie]
Another fun weekend.. you know,, the usual.. 70mph winds and interference from giant flying insects.. (yawn) Oh, and POWER and CONOR G both won awards at the BBM awards thingy.. For Best Tyrriling of public fnds and Messiest New jock on the circut respectivly! So Yah-fu*king-Whooo! The auld awards cupboard is getting pretty busy now for the 626 crew.. i wonder if we could sell them anywhere? I suppose i`ll have to wait till we all die tragic-like in a freak acetate-spin-back-gone-wrong incident.. or maybe in a static discharge/spontanious combustion kind-of-way.. hmm.. anyway, BIG up to the lads, in fairness.. Nice one.. And a FUN ceremony in the TEMPLE THEATRE.. I hadn`t been there since,er, well, in ages.. so it was all new to me.. aluminium bits all round, and sounding very nice indeed actually.. good job! Also somehow managed to end up in the RED BOX that night on the way home, also changed to f*ck since i was in it last, and it was really swinging.. no shit, it was rafters and muscles baby.. lovely pokey bit of house-toasting going on and the crowd exuding happy vibes.. such a change from the last time i was there! In fact, i almost forgot my troubles and escaped for a while.. lovely!
...and tonight, attack of the clones. er.. were in clones. actually. the one in monaghan.. er..
Okay, so i lied about the pics yesterday. So have a look now (pictures/gallery 16). Some snaps grabbed by BAYNES wid the springcam.. and the really nice bit is, i had actually left, and was in the lobby of the venue when i remembered my camera was sill on patrol, so WEBSTER legged it back into the pit to retrieve the item - and Succeded!! Amazing!! Kudos to BAYNES, really, if i was him i`d have robbed the camera FOR SURE and at least developed the film in it before offering it back (for a ransom).. you never know what was in it.. Piccy of Pat Kenny giving Osama one perhaps? Rude piccys of my Ho collection? :> ...no actually, just a (sweet) picture of my 2 cats SHARING a seat for the first time in memory.. actually curled up side-by-side and not fighting even a little bit.. er.. oh yeah.. and one of us executing a gatso with a nifty chainsaw & pipe-bomb combo.. and then one of us dragging it past another gatso at 105mph in a borrowed ice-cream van.. lucky that didn`t get out, luigi the cone would be very upset.. and we need him happy so we can pull off the "spelling lesson" gatso scam this summer

Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 010303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: h3lix (subterranian), pat mcmello (virginia), pressure (players please)
*neon lights/you are not alone - voltswagon - 41%
volt002/wri:kellet & taylor-finch//bmg songs voltswagon@hotmail.com
*dead or alive/you spin me round - sony urban division - 52%
doa2/wri:burns & percy//westbury music
*karl cox & christian smith/dirty bass - 23rd century - 68%
c2300i/wri:cox & smith//cop con www.carlcox.com
*glynn tolly & all boxed in/happen - intensive - -50 (minus 50%)
inten009/wri:smarties & hannah//cop con
*smarties bar/smarties - nestle - 56%
[new milk & white chocolate fusion bars for kiddies]
*missy elliot/gossip folks - east west - 66%
7559-67377-0/wri:elliot & bridges//emi april publishing
*dave london & filthy rich/twisted - distinctive breaks dp97/1 www.distinctiverecords.com
*stephane malca/revolution - kinky vinyl kink8d2 www.kinkyvinyl.co.uk
*anne clarke/sleeper in metropolis 3000 - gang go 5050466-4353-0-9 www.ganggo.de
*kay d smith & marc tall pres. passive resistance/praiseworthy tunes - sniper snr004
*void/dark side of the moon - leaded 039 www.mi3.org
*dj scott project/outerspace - overdose dmddose 105 www.overdose.de
*4 navigators/marijuana - stik stk086 www.stik.it
*max b grant/progressive champion - etx 0013 www.maxbgrant.com
*drugface/fat as fu*k - bulletproof proof 020 www.bulletproofmusic.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 42.1 Lowest Average: 39 [h3lix] Highest Average: 49 [pat]
Got the fotos from Castlebar.. will upload them tonight after work (2FM).. Promise

<< 3o3 in date alert!
Hmm...more significent dates.. another 303 in the date eh.. well.. we'll see about THAT then, won`t we.. Nice trip to castlebar lastnight, never saw COSMOS b4 and now it`s to be re-moddled at huge cost to take the region's clubbers on.. ah well, sombody has to do it in fairness, the TF was spewing Leather-jackets and dinner-dress when we hoared past afer the gig, and they have been putting "NO MORE HEADWRECKING VINYL" on their flyers of late, so i suppose that is that, COSMOS 2 will be the daddy.. Got sum Fotoz, won`t have then developed till' monday night, so i`ll up a new gallery on tuesday with the playlistings for tonight i spose..