Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 260403/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: al redmond (soft in middle), darran rice (hard shell), higmaster (sugar coated)
*sharkboy/music is my life - y2k - 11%
y2k041/wri:ferguson//pure groove music
*cosmic gate/human biengs - capitol - 15%
724355228369/wri:terhoeven &wevers//essential cuts pub. www.capitol-music.de
*timo maas/unite - perfecto - 25%
perf51t/wri:maas//cop con
*the scumfrog/music revolution - positiva - -40% (minus 40%)
cdtivdj191/wri:houk//dapa doosa www.scumfrog.com
*pearl/sanctuary - backyard - 17%
back07djx01/wri:loveur & gilbert//bmg www.back-yard.co.uk
*solex/solex - solex - 5%
b378995/wri:woods//cop con
*misja helsloot vs. roland k/a different world - gesture music fis002 www.gesturemusic.com
*orion's voice/the next life refuel rf001 www.refuelrecords.com
*ben shift/niagara - MD 0128 www.king-records.com
*marzz/orbiter - detox tox0003 detoxrecordsnl@hotmail.com
*mission of love/innovate - supadrive sup12
*derb/this is derb - tracid traxx ttx2042 www.tracidtraxxx.de
*hypertraxx/promised land - overdose dmddose 107 www.overdose.de
*dub x/ground zero - groucho grc 17 www.sigmarecords.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 4.5 Lowest Average: 1.33 [hig] Highest Average: 11.8 [al]
So, another bank holiday passes us by.. and don`t we all feel bleached out of it? well, i do... The wierd thing was, this was a RELIGIOUS bank holiday, adn i had the misfortune of watching some very sad people trapsing into mass on sunday morning as i waited at the traffic-lights while out buying the papers (mostly full of tits and war actually...) - and it struck me how downtrodden the people were.. they obviously know how stupind the whold religon thing is, but their lives must be so messy, thet mass is the least of their worrys - in fact, it`s one of the highlights.. sort of similer to the "all here together" feeling we get in clubs - we are all damned to hell for eternity TOGETHER, and isn`t it marv?!?! I feel sorry that we have got to the stage where everybody is so well educated they don`t even need to be argued with about religon, they al know now.. it`s all a load of wallop.. but what scares me is soon we awill all realise LIFE is a load of wallop.. why BOTHER aquiring wealth and fame and happiness as we are all going to die in 30-60 years anyway, and 30-60 years is a drop in the ocean of time - and even if we are a Hitler or a Saddam or an Elvis, in the great scheme of things, it`s pretty damn irrelivent innit? i suppose the best we can hope for is to smile alot, and to make other people smile too.. in fairness, thats the way to be i think.. so, lets all forget the rat-race that is life, and just sit in the sun smiling from now on.. good plan? yep.. thought you'd like that.. of coarse, sitting in the sun requires money & training to do it long-term, so we WILL have to play the game for a while, put away the fivers, keep out of the rookers of the millicents, and then do the deed.. mmm.. deeeeddd..
And WHAT a weekend it was.. to be fair... the euro debut of the 300th SIMPSONS episode.. the Documentary of the MILLIONARE FRAUD (all a put-on BTW IMHO) and i did the driving for POWER in DOCs in limerick.. heven't been there since the last time, and it`s been slightly re-arranged, with the addition of a nice 3-colour 2-head lazer!! (you know me & lazers...) After the tour from Sir Kenneth & Don Guiseppe, i can confirm the plans are pretty exiting for the place for the future.. including knocking out the catering area at the rear to make a new entrence hall, and moving the front 'round the back (?!) making a possible 2 or 3 venue spaces like HENRI's used to be... i feel a major weekender coming when it`s completed.. And yes, i did do quite alot of dancing.. I know as a DJ i`m not permitted to dance like my daddie, but it had to be done - my legs needed the streach after the day we had at 100% MODIFIED! hehehe... loads of carz, birdz and so on... not alot of things to buy for me unfortunatly, and no Celicas anywhere, even in the carpark.. a bit sad really i thought.. i MUST get that Alpine Turbo in soon, so i can Enuf all those plug n' play Scooby drivers
But hey, a good laff, some excellent motors.. Pity about the Dodge challenger though - it was in RIBBONS!! what a waste man!! i'd have it shining like a new pin, in fairness!! Lovely to see WHITE LIGHTNING close up - and later at a feulstop on the way to Limerick.. it`s definatly the daddie cosmeticly... sadly i have to announce my failure to find a nice R34 Skyline at the show to attempt to buy - looks like the last 1000 are destined to never reach our shores, maybe i`ll just have to resign myself to make the Celi a monster instead.. Goddamn!!!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 190403/20.00-22.00
Easter Bank-holiday Firen` Squad, Squaddies:desy balmer (rue morgue), gar skelly (central high). leonie (island of death)
*amen UK/angels - deli - 44%
deli23/wri:masterson & lennox//dna music & cop con
*daryl B & wayne heart pres. jocyln brown/doin it my way - white - 31%
1tslt/wri:brown//cop con
*girls aloud/no good advice(dreadzone) - polydor - 20%
nga2/wri:cooper & nystrom//warner chappell
*moods - hasbro - 76%
40028/crystal lines pty. ["it's all in the way you say it game"] http://www.hasbro.com
*moloko/forever more(F.K.) - echo - 90%
ecdj1362/wri:murphy & brydon//chrysalis music
*paul jackson/the push - underwater - 33%
h20025/wri:jackson//prime music www.underwaterrecords.com
*robin s/luv 4 luv - champion - 26%
champ12799/wri:george & mcfarlane//champion music
*1200 mics/lsd - tip tipw030 www.tipworld.co.uk
*misja helsloot vs. roland k/a different world - gesture music fis002 www.gesturemusic.com
*marc n claude/history of acis house - positiva metcdj001
*derb/this is derb - tracid traxx ttx2042 www.tracidtraxxx.de
*dj fire/spirit of techno - sigma 063 www.self.it musak@tin.it
*yakooza/big deal - overdose dmddose 106 www.overdose.de
*steve murano/timeless - white 378613
*ben shift/niagara - MD 0128 www.king-records.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 46.14 Lowest Average: 27.0 [leonie] Highest Average: 62.14 [desy]
Today and tomorrow, in the RDS in dublin, it`s "100% modified".. THE car show of the year, and all are required to attend.. My self and ConorG and Power will be there tomorrow to spin a few choons on the FlushBus stand (apparently), so come along, it`s a good day out, and is sure to wise you up to the fact you Simply MUST modify, and those that do are divine..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 120403/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: colin heeney(destiny), don diablo(melody), kev traynor(rhapsody), dean sherry(penelope), kieth sheridan(sonetti).
*paul van dyk/nothing but you - vandit - 31%
vandit024/wri:van dyk & jennings//arabella music www.paulvandyk.com
*higate & boy george/out of fashion - incentive - 21%
'riordan,o'dowd & masterson//incentive music
*shorty the pimp & taste of honey/boogie oogie oogie 03 - stp - 64%
stp001/wri:taste of honey//cop con shortythepimp73@hotmail.com
*darude/musik - urban - 32%
urbdj2269/wri:darude//cop con
*tony H/jfk - H plus - 1%
hplus004/wri:gelli & speciale//matteo music www.hitland.com
*J.P./indhu - tektonn tk008
*bighton EP - tektonn tk009 tektonn@king-records.com
*mesh/friends like these - phuturewax pwr007 info@phuturewax.de
*k-traxx/freezing 2003 - titanic ttc016
*diablo & klitzig/control - headline 0024 www.headline-records.com
*yogi biomehanika/never end - headline 0023
*wallstadt & dorfler/synchronised - uberdruck 013 www.djthecrow.de
*insecto/insectophobia - suntec tec072 www.hitland.com
*DJ dero/supertango - next fire/low spirit b377499
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 29.08 Lowest Average: 16.2 [colin] Highest Average: 49.0 [don]
Decided to go public with TINA'S WASTEBAND, since i have been (pleasently) hounded for it by people-who-know-people.. You can download it from Playthatbeat.net, in nice grainey MP3, for your Modding Pleasure.. As usual when you invest time downloading a Spring .MP3, you can be assured it`s worth the wait, and something you can torture your m8s with for months to come.. This time, it's breaks and more breaks... hehehe.. oh, and a LAAAARGE bang of Deja-vu, of coarse... go, now, DOWNLOADS, you know it makes sense.. and don`t forget that your a face! [ding,dinga-ding..]
Well, it's been neglected for a while, but now it's back.. i discovered by accident that i'd been sooo fuc*ing lazy on the site, i hadn`t really done a Springnations in a while.. really, i would have totally forgot forever if it hadn't been for the gentle prodding i got, from the anorak springers out there insisting on numbers for their heads.. so here.. The all new "cut & pasted" top 30 for march 2003.. 30221 Hits, at anaverage of 40 an hour.. Between 31 & 77MB a day from here - well down since moving the downloads to Playthatbeat, and causing serious reliability
1 Unknown
2 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 US Educational
7 Australia
8 Japan
9 Canada
10 Poland
11 Italy
12 Netherlands
13 Belgium
14 Germany
15 France
16 Sweden
17 Spain
18 Hungary
19 Finland
20 United States
21 Czech Republic
22 Denmark
23 Switzerland
24 Austria
25 Estonia
26 Saudi Arabia
27 Brazil
28 Portugal
29 Russian Federation
30 Greece
Liquid Wheel's CANDIDATES [cat#spring recordings slicd10603] album arrived from the factory today
I'l post a piccy and maybe a clip or 2 over the next while.. SHould be out From the 22nd of this month apparently.. And, it's a cause for celebration, not only because it's good, but it's the 2nd LP on Spring Recordings.. wow.. so there.. so much for the "no albums" spoof i told myself at the start.. Hmm..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 050403/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Paul Chillage (earl grey),Tayor (barry's gold),Niall Redmond (punjana),Scott Mac (Lyons Green)
*real & richardson/sunshine on a rainy day - nukleuz - 17%
0489fanuk/no details www.nukleuz.com
*h-foundation/new phunk theory - soma - 53%
soma129/wri:h-foundation//cop con
*dysfunctional psychedelic waltons/payback time - sony - 2%
xpr3680//wri:hooper & ali//warner chappell
*marc & claude/history of acid house - positiva - 30%
metcdj001/wri:romboy//alphabet city music www.positivarecords.com
*david guetta/distortion - virgin
lpvirdj202/wri:guetta//virgin music (ger)
*mike kenny & dina vass/i take my mind - 42%
evl002/wri:kenny & vass//cop con
*koala/luna trip - alien 031 www.unitedrecordings.com
*mesh/friends like these - phuturewax pwr007 info@phuturewax.de
*1200 mics/LSD - tip tipw030 www.tipworld.co.uk
*scott mac/damager - limit limit 002 www.monnowmusic.com
*christian j/understand - distinctive breaksdp98/1 www.distinctiverecords.com
*DJ dero/supertango - next fire/low spirit b377499
*DJ duro/just begun - scantraxx 005 www.scantraxx.com
*Mach 2/keep the mix rockin' - stik stk 088 www.sashamato.com www.stik.it
*DJ esp/straight edged raver - bionic orange bio 019 www.bionicorange.com www.djesp.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 24.77 Lowest Average: 5.3 [tayor] Highest Average: 46.1 [niall]
So.. Jay T and his fine crew in Sligo should be very proud of last night.. a superb experience for me.. Lovely.. gr8 nite.. WHAT a venue. What struck me was it's brilliantly designed.. mostly balconys, and when you are dancing you can look all around, full 360 in 2 plains, and see people dancing! Faces and arms wave at you from every angle.. this is a great affirmation buzz for the crowd, and a serious headfu*k for the DJ!! The Panoramic view is woth turning up early to ensure, except in the basement level/moshing pit of coarse, and the Bullet-proof VIP area in the 'penthouse' top-level, where you can play more of a personal game of clubbing.. As i said at the time, i found it difficult to fault.. It tops some clubs in Europe for starters! In fact, the only bit i found fault in was the decks were on a stage, PERFECT level for comfy mixing, no bendy back or sore neck afterwards mind, but ON A STAGE, so whenever anyone as much as picked up a drink nearby, i could hear the bump in my headphones.. yep.. a bit of the auld trampoline deck syndrome, and there is no way out of it, bar banning dancing in front of the decks waving a pint and a glowstick shouting "come on!" to the towering wall of moving flesh!!! Hmmm.. yes, that will have to be it, suspending the decks from chains is not on, the roof is 100ft up!!! maybe a cage could be built.. of scaffolding tubes, and the decks could be hung from that on 4 chains from the corners inwards.. you know, make the frame a rectangular box of scaffold that is 3/2 the size of the decks/mixer flightcase and anchor it with paving slabs.. it could be taken apart and rebulit when decks are required.. ho hum.. someone should do that. Anyway.. the Journey home was Sllooooowwww in the Fog. Very slow. So we had plenty of time to enjoy the pocketfulls of peanuts and marshmallows we liberated from the penthouse (by the way, we took some of your peanuts and marshmallow folks.. hope you don`t mind..) and listen to an olllld ('95?) tape of me playing somewhere.. Bout 40 mins into it, i decided i should have announced my immediate retirement back then, from DJing.. i didn`t seem to have all the information on hand re: mixing.. either that or i was on some sort of "headphones are for lamers" buzz.. i knew about the 4-bar rule, i knew i had to sync things properly but i really seemed to not have a clue how to actually mix. I was terrible. really. I don`t get it. at the time i thought i knew what i was doing!? Admittedly, the 2nd 45 minutes were much better, infact, acceptable, but lord god almighty on a chopper with top-trumps in the spokes i was rotton.. I used to just throw the tune in and "ride it" rather then sync it up in the headphones first?!? what the fu*k was i thinking? I must apologise to everyone i tortured back then, and i must apologise to all the wonderful people who's records i slaughtered. Jesus. Anyway, i DID notice 1 thing about the tunes on the tape.. Most of them were badly made. Sorry. But they were. Most of the first 45 minutes sounded like bad mixing ALL THE TIME.. the tunes THEMSELVES sounded like bad mixing.. out of sync and very sloppy.. BIG chunks of other people's records thrown over other BIG chunks of other people's records mostly. Not much has changed since then, but nowdays, we tend to use as little of other people's records as possible, and we tend to blend the pieces into our own creations better.. But dude, the pain i must have caused with my violent mixing habits.. I always maintain it's nothing to do with the DJ, and it`s the tunes that do the job, in the case of the night i had on tape, this was VERY true. Ah well.. Maybe it was an "off" night? Or maybe i was Shitfaced? I hope i was shitfaced, that would co-incide with my shakey memory of the events back then - i remember it all through 'party eyes'
Looks like everyone else had them pardy-eyez back then too since i got away with it and was allowed to carry on, and get better at it.. Party-Eyes rock.
Sligo Tonight.... For some pre-weekend checking...
It must be Springtime - the Deja-vu started 2 days ago and is still going strong!!!
Gr8 trip to Ballybunion saturday.. Major confusion all-round re: the hour going foward, i was (rightfully) abused verbally and threatend with all sorts of horrible stuff like relegation from The Country's Spiritual Leader to "just another sploom" upon submitting to repeated commands to kill the music at about 2.15a.m, apparently, it was _really_ 3a.m., and we had all been on a looser since 1a.m. when it (allegedly) became 2a.m. - therefore robbing ALL of us of an hour of our lives, and to be honest, totally destroying our sleep patterns.. why so we bother doing this every year only to undo it a few months later?? WTF? is it just me? Yes, probably.. anyway, thank you for having us, and next time we will play longer, deeper, and ruder, promise... One little thing that puzzles me.. why do bouncers always inform me "the Guards are outside.." when the place is fit to explode? As if that changes anything or makes things easier to stop!?! Now, if we were all engaged in some sort of criminal activity, and the Gardai were about to catch us at it, then maybe there would be cause for concern.. but we are ALWAYS malleting within the constraints of the Law.. The days of Sheebeen-raving, in shitholes with no toilets or security awash with scary creatures and chemicals better suited to treating cattle, are Loooong gone.. Saying the Gardai are on the premesis implys we are all up to something we shouldn`t be, and we are not. From now on, when someone says this to me, in an attempt to scare me into stopping, while i`m trying to work, i`m going to leave the club, go out to the poor bored cops and drag them into the club to sit with me in the DJ box and have Tea and Coffee and Bikkys in the Warm with some nice tunes and good company.. Sure beats sitting outside in a Boring car (with no extras at all, and probably with the stereo removed to make room for radio gear..) staring at people coming and going all night.. In fact, i think the Clubs should Provide Refreshments for any member that cares to pass by.. that should help do away with this myth that we are all "getting away with murder".. because we are NOT.. they know EXACTLY what we are all doing, and what time we are allowed to do it untill. Speaking of boring cars.. anybody seen what Fire-chiefs are driving in Dublin lately? I spotted a Camry with the FULL extras pack, and a Volvo Turbo this week alone.. Mmm... Red car with Flashing blue lights and a turrrrbo... mmmm... buss-lanes... (droooll...)
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 300303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: raymond c (busser), tony mullen (eile), ron's mobile disco (clucking), princess jamie, tony "love-missle f1-11" james & bp fallon (west-coast dept.)
*kid creme/hypnotising - positiva - 55%
12tivdjx189/wri:kid creme//cop con
*erasure/come up & see me - mute - 2%
p12mute292/wri:stee harley//rak publishing www.erasureinfo.com
*brassy/play some d - wiiiju - 78%
wij133cd/wri:barrington & gordon//famous music.
*beam vs. cyrus feat. mc hammer/u can`t touch this - capitol records (ger) - -1% (minus 1%)
5220496//wri:burrell & james//bust it & stone diamond music www.beam-vs-cyrus.de
*hooligan/bad boy rockin' - silly spider - 59%
fit009/wri:tomiczek//warner chappel www.hool.tv
*dj choose presents THAT MUCHO - release me - drizzly dr122021-74 www.drizzly.com
*marcel woods - serenity - ID&T 7006255 www.id-t.com
*classified project - resurrection - united alien028 www.unitedrecordings.com
*non eric vs. escalation - el diablo 2003 - space traxx spax039 dmd@discomania.com
*4 mavigators - marijuana - stik stk086 www.stik.it
*starsplash - daytona beach - kontor k311 www.kontor.cc
*tomcraft - loneliness - data 52p1 www.datarecords.co.uk
*kay d. smith & marc tall pres. passive resistance - praiseworthy tunes - sniper snr004-12
*koenig cylinders - ninetynine.nine - neuton exacta1 info@neuton.com
*space tribe - heartbeat - spirit zone sz138
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 22.6 Lowest Average: 32.0 [jamie, tony & beep] Highest Average: 48.0 [ron]
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 260403/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: al redmond (soft in middle), darran rice (hard shell), higmaster (sugar coated)
*sharkboy/music is my life - y2k - 11%
y2k041/wri:ferguson//pure groove music
*cosmic gate/human biengs - capitol - 15%
724355228369/wri:terhoeven &wevers//essential cuts pub. www.capitol-music.de
*timo maas/unite - perfecto - 25%
perf51t/wri:maas//cop con
*the scumfrog/music revolution - positiva - -40% (minus 40%)
cdtivdj191/wri:houk//dapa doosa www.scumfrog.com
*pearl/sanctuary - backyard - 17%
back07djx01/wri:loveur & gilbert//bmg www.back-yard.co.uk
*solex/solex - solex - 5%
b378995/wri:woods//cop con
*misja helsloot vs. roland k/a different world - gesture music fis002 www.gesturemusic.com
*orion's voice/the next life refuel rf001 www.refuelrecords.com
*ben shift/niagara - MD 0128 www.king-records.com
*marzz/orbiter - detox tox0003 detoxrecordsnl@hotmail.com
*mission of love/innovate - supadrive sup12
*derb/this is derb - tracid traxx ttx2042 www.tracidtraxxx.de
*hypertraxx/promised land - overdose dmddose 107 www.overdose.de
*dub x/ground zero - groucho grc 17 www.sigmarecords.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 4.5 Lowest Average: 1.33 [hig] Highest Average: 11.8 [al]
So, another bank holiday passes us by.. and don`t we all feel bleached out of it? well, i do... The wierd thing was, this was a RELIGIOUS bank holiday, adn i had the misfortune of watching some very sad people trapsing into mass on sunday morning as i waited at the traffic-lights while out buying the papers (mostly full of tits and war actually...) - and it struck me how downtrodden the people were.. they obviously know how stupind the whold religon thing is, but their lives must be so messy, thet mass is the least of their worrys - in fact, it`s one of the highlights.. sort of similer to the "all here together" feeling we get in clubs - we are all damned to hell for eternity TOGETHER, and isn`t it marv?!?! I feel sorry that we have got to the stage where everybody is so well educated they don`t even need to be argued with about religon, they al know now.. it`s all a load of wallop.. but what scares me is soon we awill all realise LIFE is a load of wallop.. why BOTHER aquiring wealth and fame and happiness as we are all going to die in 30-60 years anyway, and 30-60 years is a drop in the ocean of time - and even if we are a Hitler or a Saddam or an Elvis, in the great scheme of things, it`s pretty damn irrelivent innit? i suppose the best we can hope for is to smile alot, and to make other people smile too.. in fairness, thats the way to be i think.. so, lets all forget the rat-race that is life, and just sit in the sun smiling from now on.. good plan? yep.. thought you'd like that.. of coarse, sitting in the sun requires money & training to do it long-term, so we WILL have to play the game for a while, put away the fivers, keep out of the rookers of the millicents, and then do the deed.. mmm.. deeeeddd..
And WHAT a weekend it was.. to be fair... the euro debut of the 300th SIMPSONS episode.. the Documentary of the MILLIONARE FRAUD (all a put-on BTW IMHO) and i did the driving for POWER in DOCs in limerick.. heven't been there since the last time, and it`s been slightly re-arranged, with the addition of a nice 3-colour 2-head lazer!! (you know me & lazers...) After the tour from Sir Kenneth & Don Guiseppe, i can confirm the plans are pretty exiting for the place for the future.. including knocking out the catering area at the rear to make a new entrence hall, and moving the front 'round the back (?!) making a possible 2 or 3 venue spaces like HENRI's used to be... i feel a major weekender coming when it`s completed.. And yes, i did do quite alot of dancing.. I know as a DJ i`m not permitted to dance like my daddie, but it had to be done - my legs needed the streach after the day we had at 100% MODIFIED! hehehe... loads of carz, birdz and so on... not alot of things to buy for me unfortunatly, and no Celicas anywhere, even in the carpark.. a bit sad really i thought.. i MUST get that Alpine Turbo in soon, so i can Enuf all those plug n' play Scooby drivers

Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 190403/20.00-22.00
Easter Bank-holiday Firen` Squad, Squaddies:desy balmer (rue morgue), gar skelly (central high). leonie (island of death)
*amen UK/angels - deli - 44%
deli23/wri:masterson & lennox//dna music & cop con
*daryl B & wayne heart pres. jocyln brown/doin it my way - white - 31%
1tslt/wri:brown//cop con
*girls aloud/no good advice(dreadzone) - polydor - 20%
nga2/wri:cooper & nystrom//warner chappell
*moods - hasbro - 76%
40028/crystal lines pty. ["it's all in the way you say it game"] http://www.hasbro.com
*moloko/forever more(F.K.) - echo - 90%
ecdj1362/wri:murphy & brydon//chrysalis music
*paul jackson/the push - underwater - 33%
h20025/wri:jackson//prime music www.underwaterrecords.com
*robin s/luv 4 luv - champion - 26%
champ12799/wri:george & mcfarlane//champion music
*1200 mics/lsd - tip tipw030 www.tipworld.co.uk
*misja helsloot vs. roland k/a different world - gesture music fis002 www.gesturemusic.com
*marc n claude/history of acis house - positiva metcdj001
*derb/this is derb - tracid traxx ttx2042 www.tracidtraxxx.de
*dj fire/spirit of techno - sigma 063 www.self.it musak@tin.it
*yakooza/big deal - overdose dmddose 106 www.overdose.de
*steve murano/timeless - white 378613
*ben shift/niagara - MD 0128 www.king-records.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 46.14 Lowest Average: 27.0 [leonie] Highest Average: 62.14 [desy]
Today and tomorrow, in the RDS in dublin, it`s "100% modified".. THE car show of the year, and all are required to attend.. My self and ConorG and Power will be there tomorrow to spin a few choons on the FlushBus stand (apparently), so come along, it`s a good day out, and is sure to wise you up to the fact you Simply MUST modify, and those that do are divine..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 120403/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: colin heeney(destiny), don diablo(melody), kev traynor(rhapsody), dean sherry(penelope), kieth sheridan(sonetti).
*paul van dyk/nothing but you - vandit - 31%
vandit024/wri:van dyk & jennings//arabella music www.paulvandyk.com
*higate & boy george/out of fashion - incentive - 21%

*shorty the pimp & taste of honey/boogie oogie oogie 03 - stp - 64%
stp001/wri:taste of honey//cop con shortythepimp73@hotmail.com
*darude/musik - urban - 32%
urbdj2269/wri:darude//cop con
*tony H/jfk - H plus - 1%
hplus004/wri:gelli & speciale//matteo music www.hitland.com
*J.P./indhu - tektonn tk008
*bighton EP - tektonn tk009 tektonn@king-records.com
*mesh/friends like these - phuturewax pwr007 info@phuturewax.de
*k-traxx/freezing 2003 - titanic ttc016
*diablo & klitzig/control - headline 0024 www.headline-records.com
*yogi biomehanika/never end - headline 0023
*wallstadt & dorfler/synchronised - uberdruck 013 www.djthecrow.de
*insecto/insectophobia - suntec tec072 www.hitland.com
*DJ dero/supertango - next fire/low spirit b377499
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 29.08 Lowest Average: 16.2 [colin] Highest Average: 49.0 [don]
Decided to go public with TINA'S WASTEBAND, since i have been (pleasently) hounded for it by people-who-know-people.. You can download it from Playthatbeat.net, in nice grainey MP3, for your Modding Pleasure.. As usual when you invest time downloading a Spring .MP3, you can be assured it`s worth the wait, and something you can torture your m8s with for months to come.. This time, it's breaks and more breaks... hehehe.. oh, and a LAAAARGE bang of Deja-vu, of coarse... go, now, DOWNLOADS, you know it makes sense.. and don`t forget that your a face! [ding,dinga-ding..]
Well, it's been neglected for a while, but now it's back.. i discovered by accident that i'd been sooo fuc*ing lazy on the site, i hadn`t really done a Springnations in a while.. really, i would have totally forgot forever if it hadn't been for the gentle prodding i got, from the anorak springers out there insisting on numbers for their heads.. so here.. The all new "cut & pasted" top 30 for march 2003.. 30221 Hits, at anaverage of 40 an hour.. Between 31 & 77MB a day from here - well down since moving the downloads to Playthatbeat, and causing serious reliability

2 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 US Educational
7 Australia
8 Japan
9 Canada
10 Poland
11 Italy
12 Netherlands
13 Belgium
14 Germany
15 France
16 Sweden
17 Spain
18 Hungary
19 Finland
20 United States
21 Czech Republic
22 Denmark
23 Switzerland
24 Austria
25 Estonia
26 Saudi Arabia
27 Brazil
28 Portugal
29 Russian Federation
30 Greece
Liquid Wheel's CANDIDATES [cat#spring recordings slicd10603] album arrived from the factory today

Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 050403/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Paul Chillage (earl grey),Tayor (barry's gold),Niall Redmond (punjana),Scott Mac (Lyons Green)
*real & richardson/sunshine on a rainy day - nukleuz - 17%
0489fanuk/no details www.nukleuz.com
*h-foundation/new phunk theory - soma - 53%
soma129/wri:h-foundation//cop con
*dysfunctional psychedelic waltons/payback time - sony - 2%
xpr3680//wri:hooper & ali//warner chappell
*marc & claude/history of acid house - positiva - 30%
metcdj001/wri:romboy//alphabet city music www.positivarecords.com
*david guetta/distortion - virgin
lpvirdj202/wri:guetta//virgin music (ger)
*mike kenny & dina vass/i take my mind - 42%
evl002/wri:kenny & vass//cop con
*koala/luna trip - alien 031 www.unitedrecordings.com
*mesh/friends like these - phuturewax pwr007 info@phuturewax.de
*1200 mics/LSD - tip tipw030 www.tipworld.co.uk
*scott mac/damager - limit limit 002 www.monnowmusic.com
*christian j/understand - distinctive breaksdp98/1 www.distinctiverecords.com
*DJ dero/supertango - next fire/low spirit b377499
*DJ duro/just begun - scantraxx 005 www.scantraxx.com
*Mach 2/keep the mix rockin' - stik stk 088 www.sashamato.com www.stik.it
*DJ esp/straight edged raver - bionic orange bio 019 www.bionicorange.com www.djesp.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 24.77 Lowest Average: 5.3 [tayor] Highest Average: 46.1 [niall]
So.. Jay T and his fine crew in Sligo should be very proud of last night.. a superb experience for me.. Lovely.. gr8 nite.. WHAT a venue. What struck me was it's brilliantly designed.. mostly balconys, and when you are dancing you can look all around, full 360 in 2 plains, and see people dancing! Faces and arms wave at you from every angle.. this is a great affirmation buzz for the crowd, and a serious headfu*k for the DJ!! The Panoramic view is woth turning up early to ensure, except in the basement level/moshing pit of coarse, and the Bullet-proof VIP area in the 'penthouse' top-level, where you can play more of a personal game of clubbing.. As i said at the time, i found it difficult to fault.. It tops some clubs in Europe for starters! In fact, the only bit i found fault in was the decks were on a stage, PERFECT level for comfy mixing, no bendy back or sore neck afterwards mind, but ON A STAGE, so whenever anyone as much as picked up a drink nearby, i could hear the bump in my headphones.. yep.. a bit of the auld trampoline deck syndrome, and there is no way out of it, bar banning dancing in front of the decks waving a pint and a glowstick shouting "come on!" to the towering wall of moving flesh!!! Hmmm.. yes, that will have to be it, suspending the decks from chains is not on, the roof is 100ft up!!! maybe a cage could be built.. of scaffolding tubes, and the decks could be hung from that on 4 chains from the corners inwards.. you know, make the frame a rectangular box of scaffold that is 3/2 the size of the decks/mixer flightcase and anchor it with paving slabs.. it could be taken apart and rebulit when decks are required.. ho hum.. someone should do that. Anyway.. the Journey home was Sllooooowwww in the Fog. Very slow. So we had plenty of time to enjoy the pocketfulls of peanuts and marshmallows we liberated from the penthouse (by the way, we took some of your peanuts and marshmallow folks.. hope you don`t mind..) and listen to an olllld ('95?) tape of me playing somewhere.. Bout 40 mins into it, i decided i should have announced my immediate retirement back then, from DJing.. i didn`t seem to have all the information on hand re: mixing.. either that or i was on some sort of "headphones are for lamers" buzz.. i knew about the 4-bar rule, i knew i had to sync things properly but i really seemed to not have a clue how to actually mix. I was terrible. really. I don`t get it. at the time i thought i knew what i was doing!? Admittedly, the 2nd 45 minutes were much better, infact, acceptable, but lord god almighty on a chopper with top-trumps in the spokes i was rotton.. I used to just throw the tune in and "ride it" rather then sync it up in the headphones first?!? what the fu*k was i thinking? I must apologise to everyone i tortured back then, and i must apologise to all the wonderful people who's records i slaughtered. Jesus. Anyway, i DID notice 1 thing about the tunes on the tape.. Most of them were badly made. Sorry. But they were. Most of the first 45 minutes sounded like bad mixing ALL THE TIME.. the tunes THEMSELVES sounded like bad mixing.. out of sync and very sloppy.. BIG chunks of other people's records thrown over other BIG chunks of other people's records mostly. Not much has changed since then, but nowdays, we tend to use as little of other people's records as possible, and we tend to blend the pieces into our own creations better.. But dude, the pain i must have caused with my violent mixing habits.. I always maintain it's nothing to do with the DJ, and it`s the tunes that do the job, in the case of the night i had on tape, this was VERY true. Ah well.. Maybe it was an "off" night? Or maybe i was Shitfaced? I hope i was shitfaced, that would co-incide with my shakey memory of the events back then - i remember it all through 'party eyes'

Sligo Tonight.... For some pre-weekend checking...
It must be Springtime - the Deja-vu started 2 days ago and is still going strong!!!
Gr8 trip to Ballybunion saturday.. Major confusion all-round re: the hour going foward, i was (rightfully) abused verbally and threatend with all sorts of horrible stuff like relegation from The Country's Spiritual Leader to "just another sploom" upon submitting to repeated commands to kill the music at about 2.15a.m, apparently, it was _really_ 3a.m., and we had all been on a looser since 1a.m. when it (allegedly) became 2a.m. - therefore robbing ALL of us of an hour of our lives, and to be honest, totally destroying our sleep patterns.. why so we bother doing this every year only to undo it a few months later?? WTF? is it just me? Yes, probably.. anyway, thank you for having us, and next time we will play longer, deeper, and ruder, promise... One little thing that puzzles me.. why do bouncers always inform me "the Guards are outside.." when the place is fit to explode? As if that changes anything or makes things easier to stop!?! Now, if we were all engaged in some sort of criminal activity, and the Gardai were about to catch us at it, then maybe there would be cause for concern.. but we are ALWAYS malleting within the constraints of the Law.. The days of Sheebeen-raving, in shitholes with no toilets or security awash with scary creatures and chemicals better suited to treating cattle, are Loooong gone.. Saying the Gardai are on the premesis implys we are all up to something we shouldn`t be, and we are not. From now on, when someone says this to me, in an attempt to scare me into stopping, while i`m trying to work, i`m going to leave the club, go out to the poor bored cops and drag them into the club to sit with me in the DJ box and have Tea and Coffee and Bikkys in the Warm with some nice tunes and good company.. Sure beats sitting outside in a Boring car (with no extras at all, and probably with the stereo removed to make room for radio gear..) staring at people coming and going all night.. In fact, i think the Clubs should Provide Refreshments for any member that cares to pass by.. that should help do away with this myth that we are all "getting away with murder".. because we are NOT.. they know EXACTLY what we are all doing, and what time we are allowed to do it untill. Speaking of boring cars.. anybody seen what Fire-chiefs are driving in Dublin lately? I spotted a Camry with the FULL extras pack, and a Volvo Turbo this week alone.. Mmm... Red car with Flashing blue lights and a turrrrbo... mmmm... buss-lanes... (droooll...)
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 300303/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: raymond c (busser), tony mullen (eile), ron's mobile disco (clucking), princess jamie, tony "love-missle f1-11" james & bp fallon (west-coast dept.)
*kid creme/hypnotising - positiva - 55%
12tivdjx189/wri:kid creme//cop con
*erasure/come up & see me - mute - 2%
p12mute292/wri:stee harley//rak publishing www.erasureinfo.com
*brassy/play some d - wiiiju - 78%
wij133cd/wri:barrington & gordon//famous music.
*beam vs. cyrus feat. mc hammer/u can`t touch this - capitol records (ger) - -1% (minus 1%)
5220496//wri:burrell & james//bust it & stone diamond music www.beam-vs-cyrus.de
*hooligan/bad boy rockin' - silly spider - 59%
fit009/wri:tomiczek//warner chappel www.hool.tv
*dj choose presents THAT MUCHO - release me - drizzly dr122021-74 www.drizzly.com
*marcel woods - serenity - ID&T 7006255 www.id-t.com
*classified project - resurrection - united alien028 www.unitedrecordings.com
*non eric vs. escalation - el diablo 2003 - space traxx spax039 dmd@discomania.com
*4 mavigators - marijuana - stik stk086 www.stik.it
*starsplash - daytona beach - kontor k311 www.kontor.cc
*tomcraft - loneliness - data 52p1 www.datarecords.co.uk
*kay d. smith & marc tall pres. passive resistance - praiseworthy tunes - sniper snr004-12
*koenig cylinders - ninetynine.nine - neuton exacta1 info@neuton.com
*space tribe - heartbeat - spirit zone sz138
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 22.6 Lowest Average: 32.0 [jamie, tony & beep] Highest Average: 48.0 [ron]