[23:19] $rant push
[23:19] push the fucking advertising that ...:
[23:19] $rant me
[23:19] me n chriso aare in tears
[23:19] $rant and
[23:19] and there was no plugin Tweets.
[23:19] $rant just
[23:19] just had chipper which consisted of dipping her tits out
[23:19] $rant touch
[23:19] touch of yoof
[23:19] $rant so
[23:19] $rant i
[23:19] so must be cold
[23:19] $rant can
[23:19] $rant get
[23:19] i blame the fumes are insane
[23:19] $rant my
[23:20] can get answered
[23:20] $rant satisfaction
[23:20] get out of order
[23:20] my zipcode is 10001
23:21] $rant satisfaction
[23:21] $rant satisfaction
[23:21] cme on
[23:21] $rant satis
[23:22] $rant satisfaction
[23:22] $rant satisfaction
[23:22] u broke it
[23:22] good
[23:22] $rant sat
[23:22] sat will be very naice
[23:22] $rant is
[23:22] is away: Asleeping...
[23:22] $rant fact
[23:22] fact that he and his pants will be 10pm 
[23:22] $rant ion
[23:22] must be the lsd kicking in
[23:23] $rant i
[23:23] i have osx running on
[23:23] $rant on
[23:23] on a train but worth it
[23:23] YES!!"!"!"£!¬£"£$
