Anyone here got any tales from either The Olympic The Asylum two great clubs from the early to mid 90's
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Old Skool Days
I have a few alright, but i wouldn't ever refer to either of those venues as 'Clubs' (Not being a smart arse there)
These were both Raves, that may come across to some as cheesy, but these venues didn't follow conventional rules that you would typically associate with a nightclub.
I do recall, after multiple raids on the Asylum, the venue attempted to circumvent to laws by making everyone that attended have a membership card, and the venue was supposed to be then members only, they had a set up in the place that was churning out membership cards shortly after one of the raids, i still have mine in the bottom of a shoe (Runners) box somewhere.
I saw an ASYLUM membership card at the 1st of the asylum reunions a few years back, one of the Tallaght team still had theirs..Looked kinda sinister on the first glance, the logo was on the back i think, Forgot all about that logo.. Never saw a membership card at the time, but i do remember when it became that 'members' thing to prepare for the incoming storm.
That kind of thing was being talked about pretty early on, when it was all still kinda under the radar - the only 2 real choices were the 'theatre licence' spoof, or the 'members club' spoof.
Sides had a hotel connection thing going on didn't it? As later aped by 'Temple of sound', And the olympic was an actual venue (in truth a flea-infested roller disco), so the 'member' thing was not a serious option there, as they had some kind of licence vaguely in the background.
Here, check this out, see the roller disco in this? IT'S THE OLYMPIC!!!!!
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Originally posted by playthatbeat View PostI saw an ASYLUM membership card at the 1st of the asylum reunions a few years back, one of the Tallaght team still had theirs..Looked kinda sinister on the first glance, the logo was on the back i think, Forgot all about that logo.. Never saw a membership card at the time, but i do remember when it became that 'members' thing to prepare for the incoming storm.
That kind of thing was being talked about pretty early on, when it was all still kinda under the radar - the only 2 real choices were the 'theatre licence' spoof, or the 'members club' spoof.
Sides had a hotel connection thing going on didn't it? As later aped by 'Temple of sound', And the olympic was an actual venue (in truth a flea-infested roller disco), so the 'member' thing was not a serious option there, as they had some kind of licence vaguely in the background.
Here, check this out, see the roller disco in this? IT'S THE OLYMPIC!!!!!
Didn’t know about the hotel connection for Sides, you’re right about the Temple of Sound, I remember one day being on the Piss in Graces in rathmines, those days we were always just up for any adventure with no real plan (Asylum was closed by this time), we overheard someone say they were heading into the Ormond hotel for a party of some sort that was in a function room, we heard the name of the person whos party it was but I can’t recall it now, we made our way into the city centre, three of us, arrived at the doors to the Ormond and there was doormen on the door of the hotel, we offered up the name and that we were there for the party and after a little gentle banter they let us in.
We wandered around the party for about a half hour just having the Craic, we stood out like sore thumbs, ¾ length leather jackets, Levi’s 501’s, Nike runners and skin heads, friend of mine who is no longer with us decide we should venture into the hotel as the Temple of Sound is part of the hotel, we should try and find out way into it, after a short space of time we ended up in the hotel kitchens, now this part is where I don’t know if it really happened this way but it is lodged in my memory this way, I was well on and up at this stage you have to understand,
We opened two emergency fire doors just outside the kitchen in a corridor and there was the Temple of Sound hopping, we slipped in quick and pulled the doors behind us almost closed, then made out way into the crowd quick, when we looked back over at the doors from a good bit away in a crowded venue we seen the security then at the doors glancing around, they didn’t spend long, they just pulled the doors shut and that was that.
Had an amazing night that night, I do recall the Temple of Sound being not the easiest to gain entry into, they were strict enough on the door. I was only in there twice that I can actually recall, could have been in there more……..Last edited by Incorruptable; Mon 21-10-2019, 3:47 PM.
Another story that I never forget, you will know about this Tim as you could have very well been playing when this one happened, I remember bouncers that were in the waterfront, few of them were pretty serious guys from Ballyfermot, I remember getting on well with nearly all of them the entire time we were going there until the place was eventually closed, one of the bouncers was named Jay (I wont mention his second name) from Ballyfermot, he said that he had been on the run in England for a few years and was only just back a couple of months.
Anyway, I remember one night there was a raid on the place and I was chatting to Jay on one side on the dancefloor, when he seen Guards coming in through the doors he was the first one to scarper out of the side doors that I think I remember led out to flats behind it, you know the place you are in is Dodgy when the bouncers are the first ones out when there is a raid…..!!!Last edited by Incorruptable; Thu 24-10-2019, 2:47 PM.
Just a short memory I have from Homelands, I recall when entering the site, the bouncers that were searching us had Scottish accents, as he was searching us I don’t know why I said what I did, I said, ‘No guns no knives ye’ and laughed, he replied in a Scottish accent, ‘Ye, and nay drugs either’, and he laughed.
I spend the majority of the day in the LUSH tent, as you entered through one of the openings, there was a massive speaker array just on my left that were up on kind of wooden support boxes, there was steel handrail fences around them and just enough room on the wooden supports to be able to stand in front of the speakers, so we positioned ourselves up on these right in front of the speakers, after a short time the security came around and gestured to us that we had to get down, which we did.
As soon as they were gone we were up again, this happened I think two or three times and was the same security guys that we had met on the gates, eventually they came by another time and just looked at us, laughed and waved at us as they walked away, we had an absolute belter of a day.
I do also remember we had driven there in a Citreon Xantia, the Carpark was just fields and were soaked by the rain, our car got bogged down as I think many cars did, I remember the last thing we had to do before we left was three of us bounce the car up and down while pushing to try and get her out, we got splattered in mud, but didn’t care really all that much, we had the tunes blasting on the radio all the way back to Dublin.
One of those tracks i can still remember as the driver loved it was this that I recorded from the green Vinyl featured in the video which I still have today, edited by Incorruptable; Tue 29-10-2019, 4:15 PM.
This one I remember from the Olympic, one St Patrick night, think it was 1993, could have been 1994, as usual a lot of the time many people would wait until they were in the Rave until they got sorted with their choice of ‘recreational stimulant’, there was one lad from Ballyfermot that was selling to the entire Rave almost as it appeared there was a shortage about, what was available were called shamrocks (Obviously)
Typically you would have felt the effects within a half hour, this time it was noticeable around the entire Rave as by well over an hour that everyone was looking around at each other and the effects just were not happening.
The guy had some neck as he never left the Rave and was one mean tough looking f****r.
By an hour and a half approaching two hours the effects started to kick in, and man it was one strange Patricks day, the effects were like Shrooms, by midnight the entire Rave were not elevated in euphoria, but tripped out to f**k.
The effects of them also I recall lasted a good twelve hours so can’t say we were ripped off. There is a part two to this story of what went on that night after we left the Rave and made our way home…..another time.
Originally posted by playthatbeat View PostHad to embed this, i forgot that it's still an 'unlisted' video, so yeh, enjoy
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Top man.