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June 2015: Additions to DOWNLOADS

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  • June 2015: Additions to DOWNLOADS

    Prompted by an email from 'Steven' about 95-00 mixtapes, i decided to pull a box of tapes from the safe and do some transfers.

    Uploading now:

    mrspring mixtape from January 1997.

    Find it and all the stuff that will appear over the following weeks here:

    watch the "Latest Files" panel in the upper right to see what is newly added, i'll try and detail what is happening in this thread, but You know the script by now.

    Also: right-click on the "+Download" button and SAVE AS if you want to download. Apple MAc users should fu*k off and buy a proper computer, or try CTRL+CLICK on same..
    Last edited by playthatbeat; Sun 07-06-2015, 3:46 PM.
    jUst plAythAtbEAt

  • #2
    added: Mark Kavanagh on DLR 106fm, January 15th 1993. Only 23 minutes FFS.. no idea why it's only 1 side of a fuc*ing c46.. other side is totally blank. i guess i didn;t have an auto-reverse machine then
    jUst plAythAtbEAt


    • #3
      doing a SOUND CROWD BREAKFAST SHOW from SUNSET FM now.. recorded in June 1994. man i was a gobby little shit. ah well. the music is fun.

      also: pic of the floor in the bratcave today, tapes sorted into piles of DLR/SUNSET, MIXTAPES, Old 2FM and UK radio (mostly london pirates and KISS 100)
      Attached Files
      jUst plAythAtbEAt

