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Olympic Spread-Tape 1992?
zebra sleeve indeed. do you remember how you got it, cos i do you could be right about the dunhills but im nearly sure the favourite tipple was bud, and plenty of it! and the favourite item of clothing was that godawful leather fuckin biker jacket
Aw reggie!! Spot on except i think Kav was in his pre-dunhill phaze then, and was on the Johhny Blues.. Defo would have been a 2-tin-of-fosters minimum as well there behind the stage
Can of coke though? That would have been right for october '92 ish alright, as i think it was January 1993 when they bought the last remaining 20,000 cans of Diet Sunkist Orange - which they banged out a quid a pop for the next 3 years.. I think they were actually PAID by a stewerts superstore acccross the board'r to take them away..
"Black girl rock" is confirmed, have it here, zebra sleeve..
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I meant to say the 5th one has the Sound Crowd style strings. Post edited anyhow.
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4th tune is positive gang> SWEET FREEDOM!!..the $64,000 question is wat the fuck is the id of the tune before music is my life??
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Next up is Lionrock - Lionrock followed by Gabrielle. I also hear Music Is My Life and I Say a Little Prayer (which mix??). Not too sure about the rest but then again I wasn't there . The 5th one has what sounds like Sound Crowd style strings, not too sure.Last edited by |>E\/0; Fri 13-01-2006, 8:29 PM.
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lets get the ball rollin eh. i can give you a picture an all for this tune. the kav puts the brakes on gerrys last tune, ye know the way, real clever, by turnin the deck off! then he lights up the first of about 400 rothmans takes a big swig of bud and kicks off with something like this, ye know, big moody intro etc. cue frantic passin of the can of coke between about 6 of us so as you got just enough to get the mb down your throat and we were off, not sure where, but fuck it im still here to tell the fuckin tale!!
so first tune <black girl rock THE THEME.>
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Olympic Spread-Tape 1992?
Here it is.. (Right-Click the link and do a "Save as...")
Side 1 in MP3 - Side 2 to follow..
Now, NAME THOSE TUNES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attached FilesTags: None
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