Jesus, where did the time go? Must be the football fecking up the telly.. ah yes, that'll be it..
so, Friday, tomorrow, i'm in Portlaoise for an early one for WICKED FRIDAYS at DANANG, and then up to the N17 in the weshtish-galway-sligo-mayo-north atlantic area for more.. Also, the US president arrives in Ireland for a visit.. As you know, i`m not political in any way (vikings out, burn the towelheads, bomb the whale and so on..) but i expect ALL of us to have our say in whatever way we see fit tomorrow.. there are oppertunitys all over the nation to show your support or disgust for US Policy, and as we all know, the only effect of any such expression will be personal satisfaction, because at the end of the day, when the chips are down, we are on our own, and if all we have is our own company, it would be nice to be in a good mood, and therefore be GOOD company - so, please yourselves.. I will be, oh yes, i'll be mooning at all planes that pass overhead for the duration of the visit.. (out of the window of my Ford Bronco, while pulling on a Marlboro 100, listening to THE DOORS, wearing LEVIs around my ankles)
Someone slagged me last year that Websites like this one are destined for 2 more stages of development before becoming just a record of what was once.. The First of these stages is to become a commentator on the decline of the Clubscene - to document the lack of activity and measure the strength of the scene's last gasp, and the final stage is as an historical curiosity - for people to look back on and laugh at out strange clothes, and total lack of recognition for the real true God of the Galaxy, who makes himself known in the year 2355 apparently.. Anyway, as far as i know, nobody has even thought about ringing the Fat-Lady's Agent to see if she is busy thesedays, and can do a "ClubScene is Dead" gig, and how she feels about travelling to Ireland and so on, so, let's continue with the current Stage of development shall we - Business as usual.. What? not clear on this? ok, look at the PICTURES section - 2 gallerys from last weekend.. Enjoy..
This Sunday In SOUTH, Tramore, Co.Waterford:

Right - 2FM is 25 years old this week, and to celebrate this fact, next monday (the bonk haliday) will be a special day of back-slapping and retro-insanity fro all to relive some fine past moments once again.. My Hour is either on at 11pm, 2am or 5am, or it could be 4am.. Right.. Anyway, here's the preview for SchWindows SchMedia Player.. Enjoy, and remember, it's ME doing it, and it`s only a movie.. just keep telling yourself "it's only a movie.. it's only a movie.."
Oh my god.. it`s JUNE already.. how the F**k did that happen????
2FM is 25 years old this week.. god save us.. i remember it's launch.. was getting well into ARD, BIG D and Radio Dublin in my embryonic Youth, after bieng weaned on BBC radio 1 (on medium wave), and when 2FM came along, laying pop music down all day long, it wasn`t long before i was hooked on RADIO LUXEMBURG.. (sigh) and then came RADIO NOVA, and then SUNSHINE, and then things started to go very wrong, and have stayed that way ever since.. (sigh again) Anybody know the whereabouts of Robbie Dale? (we all know where Spangles is.. don`t go there..) Anyway, there are celebrations ALL DAY next monday for the bank holiday, so tune in to hear MY tribute to 2FM at about 1am (or is it 2?) on the monday night.. hehehe.. you know it`ll be the highlight of the day.. don`t you????
VERY messy weekend approaching.. FRIDAY is at BANG! in rapture in Enfield with Jon Gibbons' VIVID VINYL crew, SLigo on Saturday at HOLBOURN STREET for new night BLISS, and Sunday night is SOUTH in Tramore/Waterford, for Lisa Lashes and Me and Robbie Nelson (TBC). All in all, my first heart-attack this year coming up
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*spancox/to the club (inferno djfern 62) www.infernorecords.co.uk [happy reload]
*armand van helden/hear my name (southern fried ecb64p1)
*olav basoski/samplitude vol 13 (superstar super dj 3002 dmd) contact@superstar.ag
*igor s/airforce one (ID&T 7007695) [lock]
*mark norman/phantom manor (magik musik 816-5) www.mark-norman.com
*albert verne/a leaden day (platipus eplat006) www.platipus.com
*magnolia/it's all vain (data 69p2) [happy peak]
*M.I.K.E. pres. Fascinated/totally fascinated (armada armd 1007) www.mike.be
*orion's voice/cockroaches (overdose dmd dose 123) www.overdose.de
*cosmic gate/bilingual (kiss that sound ec 2004/2) www.e-cutz.de
*club caviar/i wish (blue 054) www.blue-records.com
*lukah/storm (incentive cent62txdj)
*noiz!/noiz! (dfc 1451-12) www.expandedmusic.com
*geeneus/detroit (dump valve dv006) info@staticmedialtd.com
*age of love/age of love (reset rs004) info@spinninrecords.nl
*zone 1/feel (tripoli trax ttrax009)
*a homeboy a hippie & a funki dreadd/total confusion (tam tam ttt51)
Stats: 1:1.333 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 1.333 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*wallstadt & dorfer/consistant cycles (schalldruck 02) www.shalldruck-records.de [happy relaod]
*joyce simms/come into my life (funk la planet 009) funklaplanet@mindspring.com
*olav basoski/samplitude vol 13 (superstar super dj 3002 dmd) contact@superstar.ag
*magnolia/it's all vain (data 69p2)
*deepest blue/is it a sin? (open open03p1)
*hardfloor/soulfull spirit (hardfloor hf 003) www.hardfloor.de
*x-frame/scream (acalwan aca 2084-12) www.zyx.de
*noiz!/noiz! (dfc 1451-12) www.expandedmusic.com
*spancox/to the club (inferno djfern 62) [happy peak]
*geeneus/detroit (dump valve dv006) info@staticmedialtd.com
*toolboy/the real thing (uberdruck 018) www.euberdruck-records.de
*2xLC/divided states (bostich 004) www.bostich.net
*dj scot project/u (overdose dmddose 122) www.overdose.de
*audiowerk z/last train to amsterdam (dfc 1452b) www.expandedmusic.com
*tuneboy/sexbusters (titanic ttc022) www.saifam.com
*james brown/sex machine (polydor pz185)
Stats: 1:5 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 5 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
Jesus, where did the time go? Must be the football fecking up the telly.. ah yes, that'll be it..
so, Friday, tomorrow, i'm in Portlaoise for an early one for WICKED FRIDAYS at DANANG, and then up to the N17 in the weshtish-galway-sligo-mayo-north atlantic area for more.. Also, the US president arrives in Ireland for a visit.. As you know, i`m not political in any way (vikings out, burn the towelheads, bomb the whale and so on..) but i expect ALL of us to have our say in whatever way we see fit tomorrow.. there are oppertunitys all over the nation to show your support or disgust for US Policy, and as we all know, the only effect of any such expression will be personal satisfaction, because at the end of the day, when the chips are down, we are on our own, and if all we have is our own company, it would be nice to be in a good mood, and therefore be GOOD company - so, please yourselves.. I will be, oh yes, i'll be mooning at all planes that pass overhead for the duration of the visit.. (out of the window of my Ford Bronco, while pulling on a Marlboro 100, listening to THE DOORS, wearing LEVIs around my ankles)
Someone slagged me last year that Websites like this one are destined for 2 more stages of development before becoming just a record of what was once.. The First of these stages is to become a commentator on the decline of the Clubscene - to document the lack of activity and measure the strength of the scene's last gasp, and the final stage is as an historical curiosity - for people to look back on and laugh at out strange clothes, and total lack of recognition for the real true God of the Galaxy, who makes himself known in the year 2355 apparently.. Anyway, as far as i know, nobody has even thought about ringing the Fat-Lady's Agent to see if she is busy thesedays, and can do a "ClubScene is Dead" gig, and how she feels about travelling to Ireland and so on, so, let's continue with the current Stage of development shall we - Business as usual.. What? not clear on this? ok, look at the PICTURES section - 2 gallerys from last weekend.. Enjoy..
This Sunday In SOUTH, Tramore, Co.Waterford:

Right - 2FM is 25 years old this week, and to celebrate this fact, next monday (the bonk haliday) will be a special day of back-slapping and retro-insanity fro all to relive some fine past moments once again.. My Hour is either on at 11pm, 2am or 5am, or it could be 4am.. Right.. Anyway, here's the preview for SchWindows SchMedia Player.. Enjoy, and remember, it's ME doing it, and it`s only a movie.. just keep telling yourself "it's only a movie.. it's only a movie.."
Oh my god.. it`s JUNE already.. how the F**k did that happen????
2FM is 25 years old this week.. god save us.. i remember it's launch.. was getting well into ARD, BIG D and Radio Dublin in my embryonic Youth, after bieng weaned on BBC radio 1 (on medium wave), and when 2FM came along, laying pop music down all day long, it wasn`t long before i was hooked on RADIO LUXEMBURG.. (sigh) and then came RADIO NOVA, and then SUNSHINE, and then things started to go very wrong, and have stayed that way ever since.. (sigh again) Anybody know the whereabouts of Robbie Dale? (we all know where Spangles is.. don`t go there..) Anyway, there are celebrations ALL DAY next monday for the bank holiday, so tune in to hear MY tribute to 2FM at about 1am (or is it 2?) on the monday night.. hehehe.. you know it`ll be the highlight of the day.. don`t you????
VERY messy weekend approaching.. FRIDAY is at BANG! in rapture in Enfield with Jon Gibbons' VIVID VINYL crew, SLigo on Saturday at HOLBOURN STREET for new night BLISS, and Sunday night is SOUTH in Tramore/Waterford, for Lisa Lashes and Me and Robbie Nelson (TBC). All in all, my first heart-attack this year coming up

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*spancox/to the club (inferno djfern 62) www.infernorecords.co.uk [happy reload]
*armand van helden/hear my name (southern fried ecb64p1)
*olav basoski/samplitude vol 13 (superstar super dj 3002 dmd) contact@superstar.ag
*igor s/airforce one (ID&T 7007695) [lock]
*mark norman/phantom manor (magik musik 816-5) www.mark-norman.com
*albert verne/a leaden day (platipus eplat006) www.platipus.com
*magnolia/it's all vain (data 69p2) [happy peak]
*M.I.K.E. pres. Fascinated/totally fascinated (armada armd 1007) www.mike.be
*orion's voice/cockroaches (overdose dmd dose 123) www.overdose.de
*cosmic gate/bilingual (kiss that sound ec 2004/2) www.e-cutz.de
*club caviar/i wish (blue 054) www.blue-records.com
*lukah/storm (incentive cent62txdj)
*noiz!/noiz! (dfc 1451-12) www.expandedmusic.com
*geeneus/detroit (dump valve dv006) info@staticmedialtd.com
*age of love/age of love (reset rs004) info@spinninrecords.nl
*zone 1/feel (tripoli trax ttrax009)
*a homeboy a hippie & a funki dreadd/total confusion (tam tam ttt51)
Stats: 1:1.333 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 1.333 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*wallstadt & dorfer/consistant cycles (schalldruck 02) www.shalldruck-records.de [happy relaod]
*joyce simms/come into my life (funk la planet 009) funklaplanet@mindspring.com
*olav basoski/samplitude vol 13 (superstar super dj 3002 dmd) contact@superstar.ag
*magnolia/it's all vain (data 69p2)
*deepest blue/is it a sin? (open open03p1)
*hardfloor/soulfull spirit (hardfloor hf 003) www.hardfloor.de
*x-frame/scream (acalwan aca 2084-12) www.zyx.de
*noiz!/noiz! (dfc 1451-12) www.expandedmusic.com
*spancox/to the club (inferno djfern 62) [happy peak]
*geeneus/detroit (dump valve dv006) info@staticmedialtd.com
*toolboy/the real thing (uberdruck 018) www.euberdruck-records.de
*2xLC/divided states (bostich 004) www.bostich.net
*dj scot project/u (overdose dmddose 122) www.overdose.de
*audiowerk z/last train to amsterdam (dfc 1452b) www.expandedmusic.com
*tuneboy/sexbusters (titanic ttc022) www.saifam.com
*james brown/sex machine (polydor pz185)
Stats: 1:5 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 5 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week